Chairman Message

Development of Gilgit is at the core of my interest because for a long time, the people of the region have not been able to reap the benefits that development brings with itself. This has critically hampered the growth of the region as compared to the rest of the country and created a gap between Gilgit and the four provinces. Gilgit Development Authority aims to bridge that gap through proper urban planning, infrastructural development, zoning and land use management. It is my absolute pleasure to say that the new outlook of GDA looks shinier than ever with sustainable evolution at the heart of of it. Very soon, the Capital of Gilgit Baltistan, through quality work of GDA, would be epitome of twenty-first century architectural marvels while at the same time enveloping the very best of traditional infrastructural framework of Gilgit Baltistan. I take pride in the fact that only in a short span of a few months this Authority has came across as a model development authority for the rest of the country and in shaa Allah this legacy would continue.

Abbas Ali Khan

Director General's Message

Gilgit being the provincial capital is the face of entire Gilgit Baltistan. Since it inception in 2016, Gilgit Development Authority (GDA) is mandated to improve the living in the city. As the Director General of GDA, we are carrying forward the vision to uplift the face of the city while at the same time providing basic amenities not only to the inhabitants but also tourists and visitors. My primary focus has been towards sustainable development while augmenting the clean and green environment approach while keeping it socially inclusive to benefit all members of our society. At GDA, we understand the importance of sustainable development and its role in ensuring that our natural resources are utilized in a responsible and efficient manner. We are committed to implementing sustainable practices in all of our projects to reduce our environmental impact and ensure that our development activities benefit both current and future generations. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of a clean and green environment for the health and well-being of our citizens. To that end, we have implemented a number of initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, including the planting trees, the installation of waste management systems, reducing waste and the promotion of eco-friendly practices etc. In addition to our focus on sustainability, we are also committed to providing essential civic amenities to the people of Gilgit. Our projects include the construction and maintenance of parks and stadiums, water supply schemes and sewerage systems. We are also working towards improving public transport, recreational activities and tourist spots. Lastly, at GDA, we strongly believe in social inclusion and are committed to ensuring that all members of society benefit from our projects. We also aim to support local entrepreneurs in our project execution. We believe that by working together, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for all. I assure you that we are committed to continuing our efforts towards sustainable development, a clean and green environment, and a socially inclusive approach. I thank everyone for their support and trust in the Gilgit Development Authority. .


Over the years, rapid urbanization has changed the socio-economic and physical characteristics of the cities.
The Gilgit Development Authority intends to develop its notified jurisdictions of Gilgit city into sustainable, livable and well-managed engines of economic growth.